Photo Help - Defining the Printable "Safe" Area While Building a Photo Book 2.0


Defining the Printable "Safe" Area While Building a Photo Book 2.0

Published 01/08/2017 12:01 PM   |    Updated 01/08/2017 12:01 PM
As you are creating a photo book and are working on a particular page, you will see a red dotted line along the edge of the page you are working on. If you place a photo or text box outside of this red dotted line, it is not guaranteed that portion of the photo/text box will print on the final product. On the product builder, you will see a reminder message that states "Photo and text outside of dotted lines will not print." You may want to drag your photo/text box closer to the center to avoid cropping. Anything inside the red and white dotted line is considered "safe" from any automatic cropping that may occur on the book's pages.
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