Photo Help - Sharing only selected photos from an album


Sharing only selected photos from an album

Published 01/04/2017 15:14 PM   |    Updated 04/07/2017 15:09 PM
At this time, there is not a built-in function that allows you to share select photos. However, you can use the steps below to complete this task.
  1. From the logged in photo home page, click Your Photos at the top left of the page.
  2. Select the album that contains the image you would like to share.
  3. Hover over that image that you would like to share and click the Tools icon on the bottom left of the image.
  4. Click Copy photo.
  5. You need to create a new album, so enter a name for this album.
  6. Click Done. You will need to complete steps 2-5 for each image that you want to share. Once you have copied all of your images, proceed to step 7.
  7. Go back to your list of albums.
  8. Hover over the album that you had just created and click the Tools icon.
  9. Click Share album.
  10. You will have three options to choose from to share your album:
    • To share via email: Make sure the Share by Email icon is selected. Type the email addresses of the friends you'd like to share your album with (separate each email with a space), then click Share.
    • To share via a link: Select the Share by Link icon. Click to highlight the URL, then use your browser's copy and paste functions to paste this unique link into an email, instant message, blog, or social network status.
    • To share directly to Facebook: Select the Share on Facebook icon. Then click Share on Facebook. Enter your network credentials when prompted and click Post.
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