Photo Help - Can I Add Text to My Photo Prints?


Can I Add Text to My Photo Prints?

Published 06/18/2024 15:25 PM   |    Updated 06/18/2024 15:25 PM
Unfortunately, at this time, you are not able to add text to images or prints while using our photo website. Although this is the case, you do have the option of visiting a local store to utilize the in-store kiosk where you can add text to images and prints. You can also use the Walgreens Mobile App to add text to images and then submit them from printing. At this time, you are not able to add text to photos using the Android App. Please reference the links below for assistance on editing your images to contain text while using the Walgreens Mobile App.

Editing Images on the Walgreens iPad App
Editing Images on the Walgreens iPhone App
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