Photo Help - Creating Photo Calendars


Creating Photo Calendars

Published 06/18/2024 12:20 PM   |    Updated 06/18/2024 12:20 PM

To create a calendar, please follow these steps:

  1. From the logged in photo home page, click Calendars in the header.
  2. Click on the calendar you would like to order.
  3. Click Make this calendar.
  4. Select photos for your project from you photo library or by uploading new images.
  5. Pop up screen asking if you would like your images either to Autofill photo or I’ll place my photos manually. Click which option you would like to use.
  6. The builder will now open, and you will see all options available to you in the left navigation.
  7. To add additional photos to your project:
    • Click Photos on the left side of the page.
    • Click Get more Photos.
    • Your photos will now show. Click on each photo to select it to use for your project You can choose to use one picture to make a single image project, or you can choose multiple photos to make a collage project.
    • Once you have selected your photo(s), click Add selected photos at the bottom center of the page.
    • Your photo(s) will now appear on the left side of the page. To add the photo(s) to the page, click and drag the image from the left side of the page onto the spot on the page that states Drag Photo Here.
  8. To change the layout of your project:
    • Click the Layouts tab on the left side of the page.
    • The categories available to you will appear. Click on the down arrow to display the layout options available in each particular category.
    • When you have found the layout you would like to use, click and drag that layout onto your project space. You can now add any images that you would like to use.
  9. To change the design of your project:
    • Click the Designs tab on the left side of the page.
    • The categories available to you will appear. Click on the down arrow to display the design options available in each particular category.
    • When you have found the design you would like to use, click and drag that design onto your project space. You can now add any images and text boxes to the product.
  10. To change the background color of your project:
    • Click the Backgrounds tab on the left side of the page.
    • The categories available to you will appear. Click on the down arrow to display the design options available in each particular category.
    • When you have found the background you would like to use, click and drag that background onto your project space. You will now be able to see the changed background color of the poster.
  11. To add embellishments (clip art) to your project:
    • Click the Embellish tab on the left side of the page.
    • The categories available to you will appear. Click on the down arrow to display the embellishment options available in each particular category.
    • When you have found the embellishment that you would like to use, click and drag the embellishment onto your project space. Once the embellishment has been added, you can move it to another spot on the project, rotate it, make it larger or smaller, bring it to the front or back of the project, or you can delete it.
  12. To add borders to images in your project:
    • Click the Borders tab on the left side of the page.
    • Click on the color border that you want to add to your photo and drag it onto the photo you want to add it to.
    • Once you release your mouse, the border color will be applied to your image.
  13. To add text to your project:
    • Click the Text tab on the left side of the page.
    • To add a text box to the page, click on Text. The text box will be added to your project. To enter text in the box, double click inside the text box and the cursor will appear and you can begin typing.
    • Once you have added your text, you have the ability to change the font style, font size, font color, font alignment, rotate the text box, move the text box, make the text box larger or smaller, bring it to the front or back of the project, or you can delete it.
  14. To change the starting month of your calendar:
    • Click the Date Options tab on the left side of the page.
    • Click on the down arrow next to Starting month.
    • Click the down arrow next to Click here to select.
    • You can change the year of the calendar by clicking on the drop down menu and selecting the correct year.
    • You can change the month to start on by clicking on the drop down menu and selecting the correct month.
    • Once you have made your selections, click Done.
    • Click Customize Dates, from here you can Add dates or Import Saved Dates from previous projects. Scroll through Import Saved Dates and click on the images you wish to add to your project.
    • Click on Holidays, from here you Select or Deselect holidays you wish not to include on your calendar.
  15. Once you have completed creating your project, click Review order to continue to the checkout process.
  16. On the review page, click Add to Cart to proceed to checkout.

**Please note Date Options to Customize Dates and Holidays only apply to 8.5x11, 11.5x14 & 12x12 Wall Calendars.**
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