Photo Help - Editing Your Photos


Editing Your Photos

Published 08/29/2022 14:27 PM   |    Updated 08/29/2022 14:27 PM
We offer several editing options on our photo site. Below is a list of the editing functions that we offer, as well as a description of each function, and how to make the corrections using our website.

Enhance-Allows you to make color corrections, adjust the auto contrast, or fill the flash
Filters-Allows you to change the color of the photo to black and white or sepia
Rotate-Allows you to rotate the image to the right or the left
Crop-Allows you to adjust the area of the printing area

Use the step-by-step instructions below to complete each editing function that you chose to do to your photo.

Enhance an Image
  1. From the album view, click the magnifying glass on the image that you would like to enhance.
  2. To edit an image, click on the image and a menu will open click Edit above the image.
  3. Make any corrections to the image that you would like to make.
  4. To save, you must first decide if you want to save the image as a copy. If so, the box Save as a copy will be checked, so all you need to do is click Done editing and a copy of the image will be added to your album.
  5. If you want to save over the original image, uncheck the Save as a copy box and then click Done editing.

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Applying Filters to Your Image
  1. From the album view, click the magnifying glass on the image that you would like to filters.
  2. To edit an image, click on the image and a menu will open click Edit above the image.
  3. A tab labeled Filters will open. Click on the filter you would like to apply.
  4. To save, you must first decide if you want to save the image as a copy. If so, the box Save as a copy will be checked, so all you need to do is click Done editing and a copy of the image will be added to your album.
  5. If you want to save over the original image, uncheck the Save as a copy box and then click Done editing.

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Rotating Your Image
  1. From the album view, click the magnifying glass on the image that you would like to rotate.
  2. To edit an image, click on the image and a menu will open click Edit above the image.
  3. Click on the tab labeled Rotate.
  4. Click Left to rotate your image to the right, or click Right to rotate your image to the right.
  5. To save, you must first decide if you want to save the image as a copy. If so, the box Save as a copy will be checked, so all you need to do is click Done editing and a copy of the image will be added to your album.
  6. If you want to save over the original image, uncheck the Save as a copy box and then click Done editing.

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Cropping Your Image
  1. From the album view, click the magnifying glass on the image that you would like to crop.
  2. To edit an image, click on the image and a menu will open click Edit above the image.
  3. Click on the tab labeled Crop.
  4. By default, your photo will be cropped to a landscape version. If you want to crop it to a vertical version, you will need to click on the Portrait link.
  5. Click the size that you would like to crop your photo to.
  6. Once you have selected the size, you can adjust the crop area by using the pan handles on the outside of the image.
  7. To save, you must first decide if you want to save the image as a copy. If so, the box Save as a copy will be checked, so all you need to do is click Done editing and a copy of the image will be added to your album.
  8. If you want to save over the original image, uncheck the Save as a copy box and then click Done editing.

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