Photo Help - How to Save Photo Projects


How to Save Photo Projects

Published 06/20/2024 10:42 AM   |    Updated 06/20/2024 10:42 AM

All projects that you create in your account are saved to your photo account. Once a project is created, it is automatically saved to your account. Please note that if you purchase a project, it cannot be deleted from your saved projects.

To save and assign a name to a project you're working on, follow these steps:

  1. At any time during the creation process, click the Save icon located at the top left of the project builder.
  2. When you click on Save icon a drop box list will open. You can either click Save or Save As. If you click Save As a title box will open where you can enter a title name of Your Project.
  3. Click Save. Your project will now appear with your new title under the Saved Projects section of your photo account.
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