Photo Help - Options for Sharing your Photos or Albums


Options for Sharing your Photos or Albums

Published 01/02/2017 11:09 AM   |    Updated 06/26/2017 14:56 PM
Sharing photos is an easy and free way to invite friends and family to see your online photos. You have three options for sharing photos and albums.
  1. We can send an email invitation to your recipients on your behalf
  2. You can send a direct URL link to your photo or album
  3. You can share to Facebook with a link to your Walgreens photos
Share by Email

The email we send on your behalf contains the following:

  • The name of the photo or albums shared
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to view your shared photos

Your friends select a link within the email, which brings them to the Walgreens Photo Center website. They're then asked to login or register. This ensures the privacy of your photos and creates new photo accounts for your friends, with viewing privileges for just the photos you invited them to see. In addition to being able to see all of your shared photos, your friends can easily order their own reprints or enlargements at no cost to you.

Share with Link

The URL link allows you to copy and paste a direct link to your photos in an email or instant messenger chat.

When your friends click on the direct URL link it brings them to the Walgreens Photo Center  website. They're then asked to login or register. This ensures the privacy of your photos and creates new photo accounts for your friends, with viewing privileges for just the photos you invited them to see. In addition to being able to see all of your shared photos, your friends can easily order their own reprints or enlargements at no cost to you.


Share a Photo or Album to Facebook

To get started, follow the steps above for selecting a photo or album. 

Once you have selected a photo or album, follow these steps to share it to your social network or blog:

  1. Click on the Share on Facebook icon on the share overlay.
  2. Click on Share to Facebook.
  3. You'll be asked to log in to your Facebook account. Follow their prompts for sharing your photo or album.

When you share a photo or album to Facebook, a thumbnail image and a link to your photos will be displayed on your page for your friends to see.

NOTE: If your friends are not able to view the shared albums, or if they have errors clicking the links that were sent to them, please verify that you did not inadvertently delete or remove the albums from your photo account.
Please note that when sharing albums there is a maximum amount that can be shared per day:
                   If you have previously placed an order, the maximum number of shared albums is less than or equal to 5 albums per day, with the maximum number of recipients per album being less than or equal to 1000.
                  If you have not previously placed an order, the maximum number of shared albums per day is less than or equal to 3 albums per day, with a maximum number of recipients per album being less than or equal to 500. 

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