Photo Help - Photo Double Sided Cards from the Walgreens App


Photo Double Sided Cards from the Walgreens App

Published 06/26/2024 08:47 AM   |    Updated 06/26/2024 08:47 AM

Once you've downloaded the Walgreens App, you can easily create and order two-sided photo cards using your mobile device.

1.    Enter the Walgreens app.
2.    Click Photo.
3.    Click Photo Cards.
4.    Scroll down to Two-Sided Cards. Click Get Started.
5.    Select the category of cards that you are looking to order.
6.    Select the photo card you would like to create.
7.    You will be shown a preview of each side of the card. To get started, click on Next.
8.    At the top of the screen you will notice you are defaulted to the Front of the card. To add an image, click on any box that has a blue + sign.
9.    Select Device to use an image already stored on your phone, Facebook to use an image on your Facebook Account, Instagram to use an image on your Instagram account, Walgreens to use an image on your account, Dropbox to use an image on your Dropbox account, or Camera to take a new photo.
10.    Tap the album that contains the image you would like to use.
11.    Tap once to select the photo you would like to use.
12.    You will be given the option to crop or rotate your photo. When you have completed this, click Apply.
13.    For any text boxes, click inside any of the boxes that state Add Text.
14.    You will now see the keyboard. Type in your text. You can edit the font style, the font size, and the font color. When you have made all your edits, click Done.
15.    Swipe to the left on the screen to go to the back of the card. Enter any text and images that the design allows for.
16.    When you are finished, click Next.
17.    You will be shown a preview of your card. Swipe on the screen to see a preview of each side of the card. Click Next to continue.
18.    You will now have the option choose the cardstock you would like your cards printed on. The Premium cardstock is a heavier paper and the Standard cardstock is lightweight.
19.    Search for a store by the zip code or city/state. Then click on the store that you would like to send the order to for printing. Then click Next.
20.    Select the quantity you would like to order.
21.    Click Add to photo cart.
22.    Click to either View photo cart or to Keep shopping. 
23.    If you would like to add a coupon, click in the Promo codes text box located in the center of the screen, or click Apply in the Not applied offers if a promo code is available.
24.    If you would like to add additional quantities and sizes click Edit under your image, if you are finished click Proceed to checkout.
25.    Select how you would like your order, Pick-up: Free Same- day or Ship: $5.99 Allow 1-3 days. 
26.    Search for a store by the zip code or city/state. Then click the store that you would like to send the order to for printing.
27.    If you've already entered your personal information (name, email, phone) and preferred store in the app, this information will display by default. If you have not already done so.
28.    There is an option to have Walgreens text you once you order is ready. To chose this option slide the indicator to the right. 
29.    Slide the indicator to the left if you do not want to receive information from Walgreens. Slide the indicator to the right to accept the terms and conditions. 
30.    Click Submit to send your order to the store for processing. 

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