Photo Help - Problems with Charging Photo Orders


Problems with Charging Photo Orders

Published 06/20/2024 16:36 PM   |    Updated 06/20/2024 16:36 PM
Problem: Please do the following:
If you believe that you've experienced fraudulent charges. At Walgreens Photo Center we take your credit card security very seriously. If you believe that fraudulent charges have appeared in connection with your Photo Center account, please contact Photo Customer Service: Phone, Email, and Chat us so we can investigate this immediately.
The Photo Center web site isn't accepting your credit card. There are a few things that can cause this problem.
  • Please check to be sure you've got the correct number and expiration date, and that the billing address you entered matches the billing ZIP code on file with your credit card company. These are the most common reasons for this problem.
  • If your card is at or near the credit or debit limit, it may be declined. In order to validate the card, we ask the credit card company to authorize a charge of $1.00. This is only an authorization, not an actual charge. However, if the card doesn't have enough available credit, it will be declined.
  • Your credit card company may be refusing to validate your credit card. When you give us the credit card number, we send it immediately to our credit card processor, who deals directly with your credit card company. The credit card companies don't always tell us what is wrong or why a card is being classified as invalid. If this is the case, please contact your credit card company directly.
  • A temporary technical problem with your browser, computer or the Internet can also cause denials. Or, if you're trying to supply the number at a time when the Photo Center web site is undergoing routine maintenance, this can cause a denial, too. These types of problems will disappear if you exit your browser and return in a few hours.
While we'd like to be able to pinpoint the problem with your credit card and solve it immediately, this is one matter that is sometimes beyond our control. If it continues to happen, we suggest contacting your credit card company to see if there's a problem or if they have suggestions.
You want to cancel an order. Because orders are immediately fulfilled, we don't have the ability to cancel an order. However, you can return orders for a variety of reasons. More info on Returns
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