Photo Help - Registering on the Walgreen Photo Site


Registering on the Walgreen Photo Site

Published 11/25/2024 09:37 AM   |    Updated 11/25/2024 09:37 AM
To create your free Walgreens Photo account, you need:
  • a valid email address
  • access to a computer, Smart Phone, or Tablet with an Internet connection

Then, just follow these steps:

  1. Go to and click on Photo at the top of the page, or go to directly to the photo website
  2. Click the Register link in the top right corner of the page.  
  3. Enter your first and last name, and email address. Your email address will be your username. Enter a password (Minimum of 8 characters; include at least 1 letter and 1 number) that's easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess.
  4. Optional: Select the square next to "Get sales, point offers, and health tips sent to your email" to sign up for the email list.
  5. Select the square next to "I read and agree to the Walgreens Terms of Use"
  6. When you are finished completing the form, click Submit.
  7. You will then be brought to your photo home page where you can use all functions on the photo site.
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