Photo Help - Renaming and Adding Descriptions to Photo Albums


Renaming and Adding Descriptions to Photo Albums

Published 06/20/2024 16:41 PM   |    Updated 06/20/2024 16:41 PM

To edit the name or title of your album, please follow the steps below:

  1. From the logged in photo home page, click My Photos.
  2. Select the album that you would like to rename.
  3. Click on the existing album name and a cursor will appear. You can highlight the existing name and then type over that information to rename the album.
  4. To save, just hit the 'Enter' key on your keyboard.

To add a description to an album, please follow the steps below:

  1. From the logged in photo home page, click My Photos.
  2. Select the album that you would like to add a description to.
  3. Click on Add a short description for this album.
  4. A cursor will now appear and you can type your text in the box.
  5. Click outside of the box to save the changes.
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