Photo Help - Photo Upload FAQs


Photo Upload FAQs

Published 06/21/2024 16:02 PM   |    Updated 06/21/2024 16:02 PM
Please see below for a list of FAQs pertaining to uploading on the Walgreens Photo Website.

Can I upload in any browser?
What is the difference between Standard and Full Photo resolution when uploading?
Why don't photos appear in the order I uploaded them?
Are there any limitations on images I can upload to the website?
Can I still email my photos to my account?

Can I upload in any browser?
We support Internet Explorer 10, Safari 6, Firefox 12, Chrome 20 and up.

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What is the difference between Standard and Full photo resolution when uploading?
  • When you choose standard resolution, we remove unnecessary stuff in the file to slightly compress the uploaded photo. This reduces the file size and helps us offer you unlimited photo storage.
  • Standard Resolution will be acceptable for most products.
  • Full Resolution adds photos without applying compression, so it's better for larger posters, canvases, panels, and blankets.
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Why don’t photos appear in the order I uploaded them?

We upload three images at once, so we can add them to your library faster. You can change the display settings in your library to view photos by date uploaded or date taken.

You can also change the order of your photos within an album by clicking the REARRANGE icon under the album name and dragging and dropping photos to the desired position. Click DONE when ready and your photos will remain in this order.

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Are there any limitations on images I can upload to the website?
Yes. While Walgreens supports almost all JPG/JPEG and PNG images produced by modern cameras and smart phones, we don't support the following file types and sizes:

  • TIFF, PSD, AI, PDF, CMYK and WEBP file types
  • Images larger than 150MB
  • Images larger than 100 megapixel (MP)
  • Video and audio files
  • In addition, not all JPG/JPEG files are supported. Currently, we only support 8-bit RGB and sRGB color space. This excludes certain JPG file types such as JPEG2000 (or JP2). If any of your images don't fit our standards, you'll be alerted.
  • PNG file uploads are converted to JPG in our system, and any alpha channel transparencies within them will not be preserved. Transparencies will appear white in your online version.
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Can I still email my photos to my account?
No, sorry, this feature is not available

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