Photo Help - Uploading Photos from your Instagram Account


Uploading Photos from your Instagram Account

Published 06/21/2024 16:06 PM   |    Updated 06/21/2024 16:06 PM

You can upload your Instagram photos to use in prints or a wide array of photo projects on Walgreens Photo. Just follow the steps below:

  1. On the logged in photo home page, click My Photos.
  2. Click Upload Photos at the top right or left of the page.
  3. Click Instagram.
  4. Enter your Instagram login credentials and click Log In in the Instagram Login box that appears. You'll see a pop up box with folder thumbnails of your Instagram albums.
  5. Click an album to open it.
  6. Click each individual photo you want to upload. Or, click the green check mark to select them all.
    • When you've selected a photo, it will have an green check mark on it.
    • To deselect a photo, simply click the photo you would like to remove.
    • To select photos from a different album or a friend's album, use the links at the left side of the page to find the one you want.
  7. Choose a radio button next New Album to create a new album for your Instagram photos, or Existing Album to add your selected Instagram photos to an album you've already created in your Walgreens Photo account.
  8. When you're done selecting photos and choosing your album, click Upload.
  9. You'll see a progress bar as your photos are uploading. If you want to cancel, click the Cancel button.
  10. You'll see a new pop up box once the upload is done. You can choose to View Photos, Upload More, Order Prints, or close the pop up box.
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