Photo Help - Uploading Photos to an Album using the Walgreens App


Uploading Photos to an Album using the Walgreens App

Published 06/26/2024 14:30 PM   |    Updated 06/26/2024 14:30 PM

Once you've downloaded the Walgreens App, you can easily upload photos to an album on your Walgreens Photo Account. Please note that you will have two options when uploading. You can either upload to a new album, or to an existing album in your Photo Account. Please use the correct steps below, depending on which option you are wanting to perform.

Upload to New Album

  1. Open the Walgreens App.
  2. Tap the Photo icon.
  3. Tap Manage Photos.
  4. Log into your Walgreens account using your Walgreens username and password.
  5. Click the blue circle with the white + sign towards the lower-right corner of the screen.
  6. Enter a title for your album. Click Save when finished.
  7. Click the blue circle with the white + sign to add images to your new album.
  8. Select the album that contains the images you would like to upload.
  9. Select the photos you would like to upload and then click Upload in the upper right corner.
    • NOTE: You only have the ability to upload 100 images at a time.
  10. You will now see the album you uploaded appear in the list view of the albums in your account.

Upload to an Existing Album
  1. Open the Walgreens App.
  2. Tap Manage Photos.
  3. Log into your account
  4. Tap the album that you would like to add images to.
  5. Tap the blue circle with the white + sign towards the lower-right corner of the screen to add images to the album.
  6. Select the photos you would like to upload and then click Upload in the upper right corner.
    • NOTE: You only have the ability to upload 100 images at a time.
  7. You will now see that the photos you uploaded appear at the start of your album.
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