Photo Help - What type of photo file can I upload to my Walgreens Photo Center account?


What type of photo file can I upload to my Walgreens Photo Center account?

Published 03/01/2022 20:21 PM   |    Updated 03/01/2022 20:21 PM

When you upload photos on a PC or Mac, you can copy the following types of digital photos from your computer to your online Walgreens Photo Center account:

  • JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe)
  • PNG
  • HEIC

Any digital photo you upload must have an ending that matches one of the above file types (e.g., niagarafalls.jpg). Whichever type of file you use, the copy that you upload will be converted to JPEG format before it's added to your account. The easiest way to tell if your image is in the correct format, locate the photo on your computer. Then hover over the image with your cursor. A little box will appear that states "Type:" or "Item Type:". If your image is not in JPEG, PNG or HEIC format, you can open the image with the Paint program and click "File", then "Save As". In the "Save as Type" drop down box, make sure to select JPEG , PNG or HEIC and the click save.

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