Photo Help - Your Photo Credits


Your Photo Credits

Published 03/01/2022 20:28 PM   |    Updated 03/01/2022 20:28 PM

By hovering over your name on the logged in Photo home page, and clicking Credits, you have the ability to view any photo credits you have and the date they expire, if they expire at all. You can apply these credits to future orders until you use them up, or until they expire, whichever is sooner.

Photo credits automatically apply to your cart when you add the applicable product. If your total doesn't reflect the credits applying to your cart, make sure you have met the product requirements for the credit. If your cart still does not reflect the credits, please call Customer Service at 866-264-2910.

If you have credits in your account, they will automatically apply to the correct products in your cart. When the credit automatically applies and you would like to save the credit to use on a future order you will be able to remove the credit. To the right of the screen where you see the price you can remove the credit by clicking the (X) beside the name of the credit. A message will be displayed asking if you want to remove credit, you will have the option to cancel or continue with the removal of the credit. You may also be able to re-apply the credit to the cart or use on a future order.  

NOTE: Additionally, if credits are applied during checkout, you will not be able to use an additional promotional code.

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